How I Built A Skin And Beauty Clinic That Did 6,142 Treatments Last Year... Without Me Seeing A Single Client Myself
Hi, my name is Catherine Simpson, 

And in the video above I share how I went from not having any desire at all to be in the skin and beauty industry... 
To having a booked out 7-room clinic and doing 200+ appointment weeks... 

Only 2 and half years into having our business.
And here's the crazy part...

I never did a single treatment myself.
Here is a screenshot from our booking software showing the figures from last year. And below that is the appointments and sales figures zoomed in.
In the video above I share how I 'fell into' the industry and then overcame all of the biggest challenges from:

1. Not knowing anything about the industry...

2. Not being able to enough clients...

3. How to rebook clients at a high rate...

4. How to find a lot of great staff...

5. How to overcome being too busy, stressed and not profitable enough though we were booked out...

6. How to set the business up to run without me when I needed to go away for a month.

7. Overcoming problems with staff...

8. To selling the business for six figures.

If you're experiencing any of these problems above, and are looking for guidance on how to ovecome them once and for all, you'll be happy to know that you might be suitable to join my...
Coaching program and community.
    What Is The Clinic Freedom Formula?
    Once I sold my clinic so I could travel back home to look after my mother, I spoke to so many other business owners in the skin and beauty industry who needed a lot of help in growing their businesses and setting them up right - including the lady who acquired my clinic...

    So I decided to put together everything I used my clinic that allowed us to grow so fast and me to run it without working long hours or doing any treatments, and I put it in a course.

    In the Clinic Freedom Formula I focus on THREE KEY areas:
    1. Attracting Clients
    • Copy and paste my already proven social media ads for microneedling, HIFU, facials, LED and more.
    • ​Get my social media audience Fast Growth Formula including done-for-you social media posts.
    • ​Use my system of getting your business to the top of Google to get free clients.
    • ​Copy my client reactivation and re-engagement strategies more bookings fast.
    2. Turning Customers Into High Paying, Long Term Clients
    • My full training (including scripts and templates) on increasing your rebooking rate and selling packages, memberships and products.
    • ​Follow my formula on how to raise your prices without annoying your clients, so you become the highest profit business in your area.
    • ​Use my 28 customer service secrets to have clients happy to come to your business over competitors, even when you charge more.
    3. Set Your Clinic Up To Not Rely On You
    • I share how I systemised my business and trained our team effectively to my high standards.
    • Use my staff hiring staff ad and interview templates.
    • ​How to manage your team and business effectively with KPI’s , performance reviews and dashboards - including full trainings on HR and staying out of trouble with Fair Work.
    On top of all this, the group consists of other top skin and beauty business owners from all around the country who are aiming to be the go-to clinic, salon or spa in their area... 

    All helping each other because nobody is competing against each other, due to only one business per area allowed in.
    Here is a screenshot of some of our results from our microneedling ads that show hundreds of new customers wanting to book in with us, who most of them we're able to help with packages worth thousands of dollars each.
    Who Is The Clinic Freedom Formula For?
    It's specifically designed for skin and beauty clinic, salon and spa owners who want to:
    • Have a continuous flow of new clients coming into their business so it's always booked out so they can provide a great life for their family and their team is happy.
    • Ensure they and their team are able to rebook and sell packages and products to a high number of clients in order to properly help them achieve their skin goals.
    • ​Set up their skin and beauty clinic, salon or spa up so it's highly profitable without the owner being overworked.
    • Build a top quality team, and handle problem staff, including all the most tricky HR issues that can get an owner in trouble legally with Fair Work.
    • ​Systemise their business so they can take a step back from doing all the treatments and get their life back to have more time with family and friends, without the business suffering.
    • Set up their business to sell one day in case they don't want to own their business forever.
    Here is a screenshot of some of our results from our premium targeted facials ads that can be adapted for any product brand. These hundreds of new customers were wanting to book in for us, which we then were able to help with packages worth thousands of dollars each.
    How Does The Clinic Freedom Formula Work?
    Once you've;

    ☑️ watched the video above, 
    ☑️ read about the program, 
    ☑️ feel like it could help you and 
    ☑️ think you'd be a good fit and are interested in talking to me to find out more...

    You can fill out the application form below.

    Once you've applied, and scheduled a call with me, I'll go over your application and if I feel it may be suitable for you I will reach out to let you know and find out more about your business prior to our call.

    On our call I'll find out more about your current situation, problems, what has been causing those problems and goals as well as answer any questions you may have about the program.

    Then, so you get value from speaking to me, regardless whether or not you join CFF - I'll map out a plan that I think could help you.

    If I feel I'm the right fit to help you and you are ready to join, I'll invite you to join the Clinic Freedom Formula.

    Once inside you'll be able to get access to the sections in any order you want, but likely in the order we figured out on our call that would help your business the most.

    Every week you'll be able to hop on a coaching call with me to check in with how you're going and if/where you need assistance.

    We will continue like that until you reach your goals. :)
    Here is a typical week of HIFU ad results for us.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Q. Is it suitable for all skin and beauty business owners?

    A. Unfortunately not. The Clinic Freedom Formula is only for those who want to aim to have the 'go-to' clinic, salon or spa in their area, have a positive, abundant attitude and believe in investing in their education.

    Q. Can I apply to join if I'm a solo dermal or beauty therapist?

    A. Yes, if you see the importance of investing in your business and marketing education in order to increase your client base (and what you take home each week) you can apply.

    Q. What countries is it suitable for?

    A. Right now I'm looking to specifically help skin and beauty business owners from Australia, The US, UK, Ireland, NZ and Canada, but the content, templates, trainings and scripts will also be suitable for all over the world.

    Q. Can I join at any time?

    A. Unfortunately not, as only one skin or beauty business per area can be a part of CFF at one time, so if one of your competitors joins first, you won't be able to. 
    Here Are Others My Templates, Scripts & Systems Have Worked For Already
    While we were growing our clinic, 5 years ago my husband Kurt started helping massage business owners to grow their businesses using our massage ads as well as our business and marketing templates, trainings, systems and scripts, and here are some of the hundreds of success stories:
    How Do I Apply To Join?
    To apply, simply fill out the application form below and if preliminarily suitable, you'll be able to book a call wth me to talk further.
    More Success Stories With Our Marketing & Business Methods
    Here are more success stories from all around the world from the exact same marketing and business growth systems that my husband has been using to help massage therapists get more clients and grow their businesses. Now for the first time opening our methods up for skin and beauty therapists.
    Riika from Finland had incredible results from a week of running one of my ads.
    Beata from the UK used my ads to get 18 new clients booked in within the first week of using our ads and systems.
    Mindy from California in the US was pretty happy with the value and support in my program.
    Olive from Ireland had some great success from her first ad we shared with her.
    Michelle from Australia is pretty happy with her results from the program.
    Andy got 18 new clients in the first 6 days of getting his ads up and running.
    Elliott from Australia, Kevin from the UK and Brendan from the US share their wins from using my ads and systems to grow their massage businesses.
    Jess from the UK got 6 new bookings in the first day of her first ad going live.
    Why Am I Doing This?
    Even though I live in North Queensland, Australia, I'm originally from Ireland, which is 4 flights and a long way away.

    With my dad's unexpected passing I wasn't able to spend as much time with him as I wanted. And even though I've been able to go back home for 3-4 weeks at a time while I owned my clinic, I knew that after 11 years in business that I needed to spend more than just 3-4 weeks at home with my elderly mother, so that's why I decided to sell our highly successful clinic.

    With all the ads and marketing methods that work amazingly well, along with the business growth systems we've developed from experience and also from investing hundreds of thousands in programs over the years learning from the best in the world, I thought why not share everything with others in the industry?

    I'm in skin and beauty online groups every day and see the problems that others in the industry are having, and I know I can help others get past these just as I figured out how to already.

    I also know that it's not possible to help someone truly improve their business properly in just a few minutes...

    (As setting up a successful business is more than just an ad, or a sales script, or any other one thing - it's everything combined that makes a business work...)

    So I had to put everything necessary in a complete program, and then be available to properly help others implement things properly, and in the right order.

    That's what I'm excited about -  sharing with other skin and beauty business owners what WE figured out so I can help shortcut their business success.

    Whether that is to:
    ☑️ get more bookings, 
    ☑️ take home more each week, 
    ☑️ to earn the same amount and not be as busy, 
    ☑️ or to set their business up to sell one day.

    So if you're ready to go all in on building your skin and beauty business up to its potential so you can earn what you deserve - and not be burned out, then apply today and I look forward to chatting to you. :)

    - Catherine
    At this point I know you're probably thinking something along the lines of: 

    "I've tried other courses or marketing programs, and they didn't solve my problems, so what's different about this?"

    And you're absolutely right to be sceptical!

    Though there is one big differences to what I'm sharing in that:

    "Most skin and beauty businesses are successful in large part thanks to the technical skills of the owner."

    Meaning - they succeed because the owner is incredibly knowledgable in skin and beauty.

    Which was the complete opposite in my case! 

    I knew NOTHING about the industry, and never did a session, so our treatments weren't better than our competition.

    So I had to succeed in spite of that huge disadvantage.

    But that turned out to be a blessing in disguise, for me and now for you, because I had to learn how to build a real business where I was a real business owner/CEO, that worked ON MY BUSINESS, and that didn't rely on me doing 8 hours of treatments a day to keep it afloat.

    I had to create real marketing systems to attract new clients consistently, as our team wasn't full of superstars.

    I had to learn sales systems in order to teach our team, as I wasn't seeing clients myself and selling to them.

    I had to figure out how to attract competent therapists who aligned with my vision and train them in our systems and procedures.

    In short - I had to build a REAL BUSINESS, not just be good at marketing and then my own skills and income could paper over the cracks and cover costs, like in my clinics, salons and spas.

    And that is the difference between what I'm sharing and probably what you've seen in the past.

    It's the complete package of the latest, most effective marketing methods, combined with real business trainings on sales, rebookings, increasing profit margins, building a real team, and overall building a business that doesn't rely on your to make money - so you can have more freedom in your life to spend more time with your family and friends again.

    Because if I can do it - with no knowledge of the industry when I started and doing no treatments, then you can do it even better than me, as you'd have far more skin and beauty knowledge than me.

    So if you're interested in building a real business and want to find out more about the program, you can fill out the application form, and if you're likely a good fit, we will hop on a phone call to discuss your situation and the Clinic Freedom Formula further to see if it can help you achieve your business goals.

    I'm looking forward to speaking to you soon. :)

    Copyright © 2025

    Marlena Peets from Austin
    Applied For The Clinic Freedom Formula
    52 minutes ago